Why Python? 🐍

Camila Monteiro
2 min readApr 10, 2022


📍 When I decided to switch from a programming language I heard this question so many times, so I will explain the reasons why I choose migrate for python language.

The history of python is very interesting. The language was developed in the late 80’s by Guido Von Rossum and the initial version was only published on 1991. The version 1.0 was released on 1994. The most interesting thing is that language is a high-level interpreted script language who allows its use in different types of developments.

🪄 A curious fact of the name is despite the name python being a type of snake but Guido named this language in refer a british comedy Monty Python’s Flying Circus of which he is fan.

👩‍💻 So, why I choose python?

Let’s gonna see the reasons:

  • Python is free: the language is developed under an OSI-approved open source license. So you can install, use and distribute even for commercial.
  • Python is popular: that language was the most used in 2021 according GitHub (https://madnight.github.io/githut/#/pull_requests/2021/4).
  • Python is interpreted: there is difference between interpreted language and compiled language. Basically what changes are the process of execution, because code developed with the interpreted language are sent directly to an interpreter who executes the code directly, so the cycle of development much faster.
  • Python is portable: all you need to run the code is an interpreter installed on the platform.
  • Python is simple: the language have the simple and clean structure that simplifies the process of learning and reading.
  • Python have many applications: you can develop for WEB, use the language for manipulate data and automate tasks using scripts.

So that’s all the reason that I migrated from C# to python and I’m loving it.

